Our Malts

Maker's Pilsner

The 2020 Vintage was grown on the “Home 1/4”, a field that has been farmed by our family for 3 generations.  This barley was part of our 2020 agronomic trial where we went a little crazy and added zero Nitrogen!  This ultra-sustainably grown barley is low in protein allowing for fuller hydration in the malt house and fantastic extract percentage resulting in higher brewhouse yields.  The malt sensory analysis showcases a flavour profile high in grainy sweetness–leading with notes of honey and followed by a floral undertone.  The 2020 vintage is our best malt yet!

$48 / 25 kg bag

Grown in Double E Grain

By Elmer Enns

Elmer Enns is our original farmer having grown up on a mixed grain and livestock/dairy farm where we are still located today.  Elmer graduated from the College of Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan in 1977 and soon after started DoubleEGrain.  Elmer is a strong steward of the land and believes in sustainability.  He was among the first farmers to incorporate “No-Till” farming which preserves organic matter and prevents soil erosion.  Elmer is the senior operator in our group and has participated in over 50 harvests.  Despite spending more time with his 8 grandchildren, Elmer is still full-time farming and enjoys the challenge each new season brings to the table.


The Copeland barley we grew here was the first commercialization of our “No-Nitrogen, Low Protein” trials.  This agronomic intervention allowed us to curate the protein content which translates through to maximal hydration and friability in the malt house and ultimately to higher brewhouse yields.


Maker’s Pilsner is commercially available in 25 kg bags.  It is also now available in smaller 10lb and 2lb bags specifically for our homebrewers!


Use as the backbone for a traditional pilsner or any beer and whiskey that requires a very light finishing SRM.  Usage rate of 100%. A strong enzyme package allows this malt to easily partner with non-malted or specialty  grains. A fast fermentation is typical.

Unique Batches

Each batch of Maker’s malt conforms with our “Single-Malt” philosophy.  It is a pure barley variety with no blending used to achieve specs.  It is traceable back to the field where it was grown and the farmer that grew it.  Each batch is then 3rd party tested by Hartwick College in NY to ensure quality and consistency before its release.  We provide a unique batch analysis sheet for every single batch ensuring you know exactly what is in your malt.

Batch Specifications

  • Moisture 4-6 %
  • Color 1.6-2.0 SRM
  • Protein 10.5-11.5 %
  • Fan >180 mg/L
  • Beta-Glucan <200 mg/L
  • Fine Extract 81/82.5 %
  • S/T Ratio 40-45 %
  • Diastatic Power >120 L
  • Wort PH 5.75-6

“"Your malt arrived yesterday, the guys are brewing right now with it. It smells great, light and with this little sour doughy crackery thing, damn son!" ”

Joe Wells Fair State Brewing